For many years now, energy companies throughout the U.S. have been using natural-gas combustion turbines to provide power usage. But the use and popularity of combustion turbines have grown, especially in recent years. And combustion turbine usage will most likely continue to increase in the coming years. In fact, on its website, Duke Energy, says combustion turbines “are an important part of our flexible energy mix.”


Low gas prices represent only one reason why utilities across the country are using natural-gas combustion turbines to generate electricity in response to the increasing demand for power. Government regulations and compliance to mandates to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 are other reasons why more utilities in the U.S. turn to natural-gas combustion turbines as successors to coal-fired power generation and nuclear power generation.

How do combustion turbines work? In broad and brief terms, here’s the process: Using natural gas or fuel oil, combustion turbines heat compressed air, and the heated air expands to drive a turbine-generator that produces the electricity.

If you want more details, we can be more specific about how combustion turbines work: Gas combustion turbines are complex machines, but can be broken down into three main components: the compressor, the combustion system and the turbine. The compressor draws air into the engine and then pressurizes it, feeding it into the combustion chamber at high speeds—hundreds of miles per hour. The combustion system consists of a ring of fuel injectors that feed the fuel into the combustion chambers. There, the fuel and air mix and are burned at high temperatures – over 2,000 degrees F! A high-pressure, high-temperature gas stream then enters, expanding through the turbine. In the turbine, alternating rotating and stationary blades cause combustion gas to expand, spinning the rotating blades, which are simultaneously driving the compressor to draw air into the combustion system, and spinning a generator to produce electricity.

Since there are more gas combustion turbines being used today, there are some issues with turbine noise. That’s where we can help! At Central Metal Fabricators, we design, manufacture, assemble and install combustion turbine silencing equipment, and we are recognized as a leader in the industry because we’ve been doing this successfully for almost seven decades now. We eradicate turbine noise problems for industrial clients and utilities, providing solutions that are both effective and economical. Check out our website for more information about what we do, or give us a call at 305-261-6262 to learn more about our capabilities.

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