The Forecast of Global Wind & Solar by 2040

What are the future expectations of wind and solar energy for supplying global power? Here at Central Metal Fabricators, we fabricate, assemble, and install gas turbine silencing equipment and associated metal items. Our panel of industry experts delve into the matter below, and the findings might surprise you.

IEA Projections on Renewable Energy

As per data from the International Energy Agency (IEA), wind and solar power will generate more of the world’s energy by 2040 than it does today. But, while primary energy demand (TPED) renewables, which includes solar and wind, have higher usage than 1990, it likely amounts to less than you imagine.

In 2014, solar cells or photovoltaic (PV) cells and wind contributed a meager 0.6% of total global energy. Fast forward to 2040 and this number increases, but only to 2.9%. Respectively, coal, oil, and gas will continue to dominate as the top three energy power sources around the world.

Plus, the IEA prediction assumes that every country complies with the Paris Agreement on climate change. The US is currently not in the climate accord, and compliance is not likely to be gained by every other country, so the IEA’s estimate of less than 3% is likely more than it will be come 23 years from now.

Natural Gas and Nuclear Power Estimates

Natural gas will grow faster as an energy resource than any other TPED, accounting for 25 percent of global demand by 2040, based on projections by a recent ExxonMobil report. This will be less than oil, which will be the biggest resource, providing about 32% of the world’s energy, and more than nuclear power at 7%.

While renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind will grow over the next few decades, its development will be considerably slower than the rate and volume of natural gas.

Wind and Solar Pie Chart

Applying the Research

Regarding the above, you have an idea of the world’s energy picture for the near future, including only about 3% renewables. Understanding the energy supply for Central Metal Fabricators and many other industrial manufacturers is important so that we use the sources wisely to craft optimal products and plan for the future.

Internally, we manufacture an array of industrial products including dampers for gas turbines, boiler casings, steel hoppers, and busbars. Our top quality engineering design service replacement parts, gas metal arc welding, flux core arc welding, and more.

Stay on top of relevant trends by following us on our blogTwitter, and LinkedIn. Be sure to contact us to place your next industrial product order or if you have any questions.

Central Metal Fabricators: Experience, Expertise, and Flawless Engineering

Today, Central Metal Fabricators is known as an industry leader, retrofitting, designing, and fabricating gas turbine silencing equipment of the absolute highest quality. However, it all began back in 1948, and what was a small, specialized business back then has grown significantly over the years.

Originally a general sheet metal shop providing exhaust and ventilation systems, and then commercial and residential air conditioning, several years later we began doing industrial work for power plants throughout the state of Florida. Evolving and growing, our first major client in the industry was Florida Power and Light, taking our experience and knowledge of working with steel and transitioning to gas turbine overhauls. In the 1960s our experience and success grew when many aircraft derivative jet engine turbines were being used to produce electricity to drive generators, which could quickly produce the necessary power. Gas turbines became popular throughout the country at the time, and after the initial jet aircraft derivative engines, companies such as GE and Westinghouse found they could build larger gas turbines that were used exclusively by power plants to produce electricity (ideal when electricity is needed in an emergency). We continued to grow and become specialists, and after Harold Baskin and Raul Cossio took over the business in 1994, we only got bigger and better.

These turbine stacks only last 10-20 years, and they’ve continued to get larger. We’ve done a huge amount of work on the replacement of the stacks, and expanded our business throughout the country, including the Northeast, Midwest, and California. Currently, as leaders in this field, we are able to offset any freight costs, as south Florida has a highly competitive labor market, so our labor cost is lower than so many other U.S. areas.

As specialists and experts, we provide replacements, full engineering, and design of new stacks. By using these stacks to control noise, you are assured compliance with noise reduction requirements. Material selection is decisive for equipment life. We have the technical background, proven results and follow closely stat-of-the art material selection.

Beyond the construction, the acoustic engineering we perform on the stacks is both a science and an art form that we have perfected over the years. Not only do you need them to perform properly, but often you need to comply with state regulations and have a highly cautious design approach. We have the knowledge, passion, and 65 years of experience to perform all design, engineering, and repairs flawlessly.